We Can Help: (239) 333-8079
Recovery Residence *CAPE CORAL*FORT MYERS
The Surrender House Rules
In an effort to help you with your sobriety, you are welcome here as a guest in my home. Your stay is on a day-to-day basis based on your attitude, behavior and sobriety. One day at a time. You are not a tenant, you are a guest and as such you will only be permitted to remain a guest in my home as long as you abide by the rules. The rules are for the comfort of all guests and the continuance of their sobriety. Guest status means you are in good standing and loss of guest status means you will be required to leave my house. Wherever “I” is mentioned in the rules it refers to Kari-Anne Spiller.
Women not allowed on men’s properties!!
Men not allowed on women’s properties!!
1.) Drinking alcohol or the use of drugs will result in immediate dismissal!
a. At the time of your intake interview, you must have a minimum of 72 hours of verifiable sober/clean time. You must pass a drug test with no residuals, unless you have come in directly from detox, in which case you have 1 week to be clean from benzodiazepines. “I” or house manager reserve the right to test guests at any time for alcohol/drug consumption. Refusal to take the test will result in immediate loss of guest status.
2.) Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated
a. Disruptive behavior is any action or behavior that disturbs the unity of the house and the guest staying here. Any person who assaults, hits or steals from another guest of the house will immediately lose guest status.
b. “I” respect the laws of the community and “I” expect the guests to do so too. Guests who are on probation must provide the name and phone number of their P.O
3.) The Surrender House guests must pay their own way.
a. A move-in fee of $300 is required at the time the guest arrives at the Fort Myers locations and $300 for the Cape Coral House. A move in fee does include your first weeks rent. MOVE IN FEE IS NON REFUNDABLE. You will pay an Expense Shared Fee (ESF) while a guest in the house. You are here as a daily guest and the ESF will be paid weekly in the amount of $150 for Fort Myers locations and $150 for the Cape Coral House. The ESF must be paid in cash, check and money order.
b. Guests can pay a portion of the ESF at any time and get a receipt. If guest falls behind on ESF, he/she can Pledge to Pay which will be documented at the house meeting. Persistent failure to pay ESF will result in immediate loss of guest status.
c. If a guest chooses to depart after giving 14 days notice and is in good standing, any ESF paid beyond their departure date will usually be refunded within 30 days. If a guest loses guest stats for any reason, no ESF will be returned
d. Those who lose guest status at The Surrender House for reasons other than drinking and/or using drugs must turn over any keys linked to them and will have 1 hour to gather what they need to leave the house. If a guest is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he/she immediately loses guest status and must turn over any keys linked to them and leave the premises within 20 minutes. The 20 minutes allows the ex-guest to pack an overnight bag prior to exiting. Failure to leave the premises may result in local law enforcement being contacted and/or a trespassing complaint to be filed. e. If the ex-guest owes ESF when they lose guest status all personal property becomes property of The Surrender House until financial agreement is approved. f. If the ex-guest does not take belongings with them at the time they lose guest status, their belongings will be stored for 5 days. If after 5 days the belongings are not picked up, it becomes the property of The Surrender House and will be donated to a charity organization, be thrown away or disposed of as “we” see fit. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR PERSONAL ITEMS EVER!!
4.) The Surrender House guests must be employed.
a. If a guest is unemployed he must be out of the house from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm MONDAY through SUNDAY job hunting. You have 1 week to obtain gainful employment when coming in as a new guest or after losing employment.
b. Your first week as a guest you are on Blackout restrictions. This means that you are only able to leave the house to work, look for work, or go to a meeting with someone in the house, ERRANDS MUST BE APPR0VED BY KARI-ANNE
c. If you receive an SSI check of any kind you must do a minimum of 20 hours service work each week.
5.) Sunday house meeting at 9PM is mandatory.
a. If a guest has a valid reason for missing a house meeting he must give 1 weeks notice.
b. If an interview of a perspective guest is to take place and current guest are home, participation in the intake of current guests is mandatory.
c. You must do 90 meetings in 90 days and at least 4 meetings a week thereafter but at least 1 meeting a day is recommended. If this is violated, meeting cards will be used to be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and include their phone number to be verified.
d. “I” strongly believe in the 12-Step Program of recovery and require each guest to have a home group and an active sponsor within 1 week of becoming a guest. Failure to do so could result in guest status.
6.) Curfews
a. For the first 30 days, the guest must be in the house by 10:00pm. Upon approval, after 30 days, the guest must be in the house by 11:00pm. b. BLACK OUT FOR 1ST WEEK- JOB SEARCH, MEETING WITH SOMEONE IN HOUSE ONLY. c. NO VISITORS ARE ALLOWED IN THE BEDROOMS. The only exception is the guest’s child/children. d. After 30 days and the guest’s ESF is current, you are allowed 2 overnights a week, 1 night at a time, not 2 nights in a row. A phone number must be provided in the event the guest needs to be contacted. e. Extended days/nights (i.e. vacation, holidays or weekends) need to be addressed at the house meeting at least 1 week prior to actual date and 90 days in the house is required. Any ESF due must be prepaid. Guest must ensure someone will assume his chores by having that person notify us that they have agreed to assume said chores.
7.) Parking a. Parking is allowed in designated areas only. If you have a vehicle, you must show proof of registration, insurance, and driver’s license.
8.) The Surrender House guests are required to perform chores and house hours.
a. Chores will be assigned in rotating order according to census of the house every week at the house meeting. Chores are to be done every day. A sign-off sheet will be provided upon completion. Failure to complete and sign-off on a chore will result in a $10 fine, the second time will be $20, the third time $30 and the fourth time will result in dismissal from guest status.
b. A full description of each chore to be completed will be provided each week and chores will be checked after the guest has been signed off on the chore. Chores are to be done before the guest leaves the house in the morning! Then done again when they come home. c. Each guest will complete 5 house hours weekly to better our residence, which will be determined during the house meeting.
10.) Daily Accountabilities
a. Each guests’ daily responsibilities will include picking up after one’s self, making ones bed each morning, cleaning dishes immediately after using and putting them away, and shoes and clothes are not allowed in the common area.
b. Smoking is only permitted on the porch, not inside for any reason whatsoever. Ashtrays must be emptied daily and no butts are to be thrown into the yard.
c. Each guest will be assigned shelf space in the pantry and refrigerator for his food. Food must be labeled with your name. Any guest caught eating another guest’s food without permission will face disciplinary action. This qualifies as theft, will be taken seriously and can result in immediate loss of guest status.
d. Guest rooms must be kept neat and beds must be made daily. Verbal warnings and ultimately fines will be issued if rooms are not kept. You are a guest in my home, please keep it clean!! e. Laundry will be done 1 time a week on days that the house agrees on at the house meeting. All lights and fans must be shut off when leaving a room and the door must be locked when you leave.